Felipe Iturrieta and Eta – The sungaze of the blue fellow; the raptor with lightning and fire arm-wings and the anthropomorphic bird coming out of its chest towards the lilac maze; the red fenix-fox with a serpent for a tail (or: the-red-and-silver-spitting serpent, with a fenix-fox for a tail); the golden red sun setting into a blue sea (or snow mountain-range) which becomes the long mantel of a possibly half-burnt-corpse lady walking straight ahead, pierced on her neck by a colourful cloud of pastel joy upon a far wood – she stands in front of a giant opera singer with mountains on her shoulders (and two heads depending on how you look at her: one head looking up and one head looking down, with a bomb-fish for an eye) holding hands (at the end of her lightning arms) with aforementioned raptor; plus innumerable nondetails which apparently vary depending on the observer. If you can’t remember this title you may also call it “The Golden-Brown Borboleta that glides through the Multiverse”. Also, if you see things that should be added to this title, you can let us know and we’ll update it. This is (permanently) a work-in-progress title.
It is very much something that is to enjoy as space to explore while being right in front of it, possibly for long, long time, getting lost in it. So, please, feel free to ride a zoom! And to go through the details we photographed.
Felipe Iturrieta and Eta – Automatism On Paper (warm up)